1781 The Legacy

1781 provides Business Legacy via Robust Strategies

providing fast, cost-effective and convenient consulting and management services

Engaging New Audiences through Smart Approach

At 1781 we are driven to come up with solutions to get startups started quickly, inexpensively and with the least fuss.

Cultivating New Ideas

1781 brings together highly experienced individuals from a wide range of disciplines and encourages them to look beyond the obvious constraints of their own specialisms to offer solutions that are practical and sustainable.



Financial  Services

Strategy and regulation Investment planning feasibility studies

Real Estate

Housing Hospitality


Our services

1781 comply with all regulatory requirements, we deliver real value to our clients & we deliver quality  solutions on time.

Private Jet 70%
Solar 65%
Infrastructure 90%

Innovative Business Ideas and Brainstorming

Beside private sector clients, we work closely with international donors and financing  institutions.

1781 Bespoke Solutions

Revinue Generation

Tailored for each client to match their needs

24/7 Client Support

just a click away from our clients

Creative Mind

On going brainstorming ideas to fill the gap

Business Collaboration

we work as a team players

Brainstorming, Researching, Planning and Strategizing Work

We Listen & Listen again to our clients to provide the ultimate solution that fits their requirements. 


Complete Project

Customer Satisfaction

Contact Us Now

we are just a click away

Contact Info

27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX

